August 21, 2015

My Favorite Songs: A Pink's All Albums (2011-2015)

Hello! I'm here to give you recommendation of A Pink's songs. The songs are from all A Pink's albums since 2011 until 2015. I don't separate the songs by the album because I forgot which song belongs to which album lol.

Here they are~~~

August 18, 2015

Menyapa Orang Korea (Failed Ver.)

Akhirnya saya ngomong bahasa Korea ke orang Korea!

Secara langsung. Iya. Biasanya kan cuma lewat instagram. Kali ini langsung ngomong bahasa Korea ke orang Korea.

August 12, 2015

A Pink’s Petal MV Review

Maafkan ketidakprofesionalan postingan review MV Remember kemarin, hehehe. Kali ini saya review-nya niat kok soalnya saya suka sama MV ‘Petal’ ini. Setting tempatnya di semacam taman dengan pemandangan hijau yang bikin mata adem.

August 11, 2015

My Favorite Songs: Big Bang's 'MADE'

I'm not a VIP and I'm not a YG stan either but I like Big Bang's songs, especially in this 'MADE' album. After (about) 1000 days, finally Big Bang has made a comeback! They've released six music videos in four months. Big Bang's music video that I like the most is 'Let's Not Fall in Love'.

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