March 22, 2018

How to Sound Cute in Korean?

Panggilan untuk cewek-cewek (cowok-cowok juga boleh) yang ingin terlihat (atau terdengar) cute ketika ngobrol atau nulis bahasa Korea silakan merapat ke postingan ini.

Tips-tips di bawah ini saya tulis berdasarkan tips dari video:

Saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia karena.....biar beda aja dari videonya lol. Oh iya pastikan kamu bisa baca Hangul dulu ya sebelum lanjut baca karena saya nggak nulis romanisasi untuk kata-kata dalam bahasa Koreanya.

Kamu bisa menggunakan tips-tips ini dalam bahasa tulis maupun lisan. Tapi jangan berlebihan ya waktu menggunakannya pas ngobrol karena katanya you'll sound gross hihihi.

1. Menambahkan "" di akhir kalimat
감사합니다 → 감사합니당 (Thank you)
네 → 넹 (Yes)
내일 봐요 →  봐용 (See you tomorrow)

Cute 40%
Gross 10%

2. Mengganti -요 dengan -여 di akhir kalimat
재미있었어요  재미있었어여 (It was fun)
이거 뭐예요  이거 뭐예여? (What is it?)

Cute 40%
Gross 10%

3. Mengganti -여 dengan -염 di akhir kalimat
안녕하세  안녕하세염 (Hello)
좋아여  좋아염 (Ok!)

Cute 70%
Gross 30%

4. Excessive use of double consonants
You can use a lot of double consonants such as "ㅉ" and "ㄸ". You have to be careful with this way. If you use it too much, people would think you aren't serious.

그랬어? → 그랬쪄? (You did?)
약 먹었어? → 약 먹었떠? (Did you take medicine?)
잘했어  잘했떠! (Good!)

Cute 80%
Gross 80%

5. Show a lot of reaction
If you show a lot of reaction when someone's talking, they may think you're cute. You can use phrases like "진짜요?", "정말요?" or "우와!"

Cute 80%
Gross 10%

6. Memorize these lines:
Childlike pronunciation: 나 꿍꼬또. 기싱 꿍꼬또.
Original sentence: 나 꿈 꿨어. 귀신 꿈 꿨어. 무서워요. (I had a dream. I had a dream of a ghost. It was scary)

Cute 90%
Gross 90%

A parent posted their little girl saying those sentence and it became very popular and many celebrities imitate it. Some people may find it very very gross, be careful.

Safer phrase for you is 뿌잉뿌잉, say it while your fists is in your cheeks.뿌잉뿌잉 has no meaning. 

Cute 90%
Gross 20%

7. Menggunakan banyak emoticon ketika chatting
Cute 90%
Gross 10%

8. Say "오빠" a lot (girls only to boys)
Cute 100%
Gross 20%

9. Make your sentence endings longer and wiggling your shoulders
Cute 90%
Gross 70%

Saya pribadi suka tips nomor 1, 5, dan 7 HAHAHAHAHA. Kamu suka nomor berapa?



  1. Aku sih suka gif nomor 9

  2. Aku suka terms "Omo" karena sounds cute aja dan suka banget sama yang akhiran 'ng'. Ku juga suka sama yang sering-sering ngomong "Jinjjayo?" "Jeongmalyo?" "Uwaaa~" biasanya terms terakhir kutambahin jadi "Whoaaa daebak!"


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